Key2Work CrowdMerch

Experiment and find new points of growth
in retail execution
Mobile and web platform for retail crowdsourcing
Serve remote outlets
at 20% less cost
No need to pay for travel, fuel,
or taxis
No other compulsory deductions, including holidays, sick pay
Use additional worforce
when needed
Users can perform tasks when members of your team are unavailable
Perform in-store audits and market research
Collect data on your competitors' shelf share, prices, and promotions in mere seconds
Assess the performance of your sales staff and adjust the strategy
Quick start
Avoid missing goods on the shelf
• Import task groups or add tasks manually
• Tasks are checked by a moderator within one hour
• New tasks are pushed to employees in close proximity to the sales point
Quick start
Avoid missing goods on the shelf
• Import task groups or add tasks manually
• Tasks are checked by a moderator within one hour
• New tasks are pushed to employees in close proximity to the sales point
Automated quality control without human intervention
Save up to 30% of your time on routine performance analytics
• Three-way verification of employee location
SKU, face, and price recognition on rack pictures
• Calculation and display of shelf share in final report
• Automatic calculation of employee KPI
Professional staff
Responsible attitude and attention to detail on the part of the employee
• 80% of employees have worked or are working as merchandisers
• All employees undergo mandatory training and testing before starting work and again every 6 months
• Employee's rating fixes those who make systematic mistakes and does not allow them to take up a new task.
• At the same time, a high rating gives an employee extra earning power
Professional staff
Responsible attitude and attention to detail on the part of the employee
• 80% of employees have worked or are working as merchandisers
• All employees undergo mandatory training and testing before starting work and again every 6 months
• Employee's rating allows to mark those who make systematic mistakes and does not allow them to take up a new task.
• At the same time, a high rating gives an employee extra earning power
Work scenarios
For the current
sales team
For one-off tasks
and experiments
• In case of holidays or sick leave, SFA automatically generates a list of sales points recommended for coverage via Crowd Merch.
• The client agrees to the proposed time and KPIs and the employees then see the new tasks on the map
Saas- service for agencies and distributors
• Uploading tasks to the platform
• After checking by a moderator and price fixing, the tasks appear on the employees' map
• Provide a personal account with the ability to create tasks, set prices and customize own reports
How does it work?
• Sales points
• Work standards
SKU directories
• Check relevance and data format
• Calculation of planned time and cost
• The customer checks automatically generated reports
• The customer approves completed tasks or leaves comments on where and why the work was not accepted
Task verification
by the platform moderator
Employees take
the tasks
Uploading tasks in the customer's personal cabinet
0.5 -1 hour
1-2 hours
3-7 hours
2-3 hours
• Verification of fact and quality of work by means of Image recognition
• Generation of KPI report including photos
Fast assignment
registration in the system
Clear, intuitive interface
Online moderation
Large database of employees who already have experience in merchandising
12K+ active users in the system
80% of employees have worked or are currently working as merchandisers
Choice of work formats depending on business objectives
Substitution of current employees
One-off tasks and experiments in competitor research and audits
Saas Service
Quality Control
Mandatory application of Image Recognition
Presence control at the sales point
Control of photo spoofing and use of GPS false geo-tagging software
Let's start!