Routing as a service Taking into account the shortcomings indicated above (link), we at Key2Work launched a routing service 3 years ago. It has 5 main steps:
1. Briefing - identification of current problems with routes, collection of feedback from the management team, as well as the definition of routing goals.
2. Current routes audit:
- Ratio of indicators Travel time / Service time
- Ratio of indicators of the number of routes and retail outlets / number of merchandisers (Full time employee)
3. Creation of effective routes using artificial intelligence and human resources. Calculation of the updated Travel time indicator
- Automatic allocation to plots and territories
- Search for issues on the route: railroad tracks, bridges, roads or lack of passage
- Check the availability of public transport
- Check the route by a routing engineer for load within each working day and building the most efficient sequence from the first to the last outlet
4. Vizualization of results before and after
·Increase the number of outlets in service
- Reduce labor costs and compensation for traveling by private car or public transport
- Leveling the load on the route to 100%
5. Creating file with new routes for client SFA (CRM) system.